Insurance Fraud


A major Insurance carrier retained New World Investigations to follow up on a possible fraud investigation. Through covert surveillance, New World Investigations found several vehicles with all four corners damaged inside of a treatment facility considered a “treatment mill”. Further investigation revealed a large insurance fraud ring with hundreds of patients being treated by unlicensed therapists post-claim for fraudulent auto accident injuries. This unbelievable evidence was compiled by our investigators who were former law enforcement officers and turned over to the District Attorney’s office for prosecution.


Witness Statements / Locate


A prominent law firm asked New World Investigations to locate and interview critical witnesses on an accident/injury case who could not be located. The case hinged on finding these witnesses, obtaining their statements, and gaining cooperation for later depositions. New World Investigations highly experienced team not only found the witnesses but obtained such detailed statements that it was discovered the defendant was found to be deliberately covering up the case, thereby significantly changing liability and the award for the client who was suffering from brain damage due to the accident.

Asset Search - Divorce


Hundreds of asset searches are conducted by New World Investigations annually.  A local paralegal working for an existing client was going through an ugly divorce and hired new World Investigations to find hidden assets she believed her spouse had. Our investigators found the client’s ex-spouse was hiding assets in other states using "shell corporations" to conceal assets. He had previously advised the court that his income was very small when indeed it was found that he owned several corporations and businesses and was filtering monies into and out of separate accounts using his new found lover’s identity so as not to have to pay alimony, child support or settle the divorce. The case settled favorably for the client and the children were taken care of.

Bug Sweep


A high profile individual contacted us with to perform a bug sweep in his house and business as he felt the media and competitors were obtaining private information about him and his associates. New World Investigations team of bug-sweep specialists found two audio-transmitting devices, one in the living room of his home and another in the reception area of his business. New World Investigation not only removed the devices but installed electronic jamming countermeasures to combat any further surveillance at the client's home or office.

Missing Family Member / Probate


A probate Attorney asked us to locate an heir for a rather large family with members living outside the country.  New World Investigations utilized overseas connections in the Philippines and was able to locate and identify a family member who had not been seen or heard from in over 20 years. The family member was able to claim his inheritance and spend time with family he’d not seen in over two decades.

Private Background Investigation


A woman from another country saw New World Investigations on Yelp! contacted us to conduct a background check on a man she was thinking about marrying.  The man wanted to borrow $50,000.00 USD from her for a business deal here in the US. Good thing she did as the man was not who he claimed he was. It was discovered that he was using a fake name, date of birth, job and social security number. She has never seen him since we gave her our report.

Insurance Locate


New World Investigations works with some of the largest personal injury law firms taking witness statements and identifying insurance companies. New World Investigations was asked to identify insurance for a large industrial complex after their efforts yielded no insurance policy.  New World Investigations performed a comprehensive investigation and applied pressure to the right entity to finally reveal the insurance carrier.


Case Studies

Insurance Fraud
Witness Statements / Locate
Asset Search - Divorce
Bug Sweep
Missing Family Member / Probate
Private Background Investigation
Insurance Locate

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